Doctor X (1932) is a First National/Warner Bros. horror and mystery film. Based on the play orig
年轻女孩茱莉娅(玛蒂尔达·鲁茨 Matilda Lutz 饰)和男友霍尔特(阿历克斯·罗 Alex Roe 饰)分隔两地,相互思念。某晚在一个奇怪的梦后,茱莉娅发现霍尔特不见了踪影,视频通话中
不夜城纽约,光怪陆离,夜夜笙歌,人们陶醉在美酒佳人的梦幻世界中,早已忘却躲在黑暗处的隐隐杀机。某晚,一名妓女被人残忍杀害,警官弗瑞德•威廉姆(Jack Hedley 杰克•海德雷 饰)负责调查
Looking for work, Aaron comes across a cryptic online ad: “$1,000 for the day. Filming service.
From the world of Puppet Master comes the newest entry in horror.
1977 / 意大利 / 约翰·休斯顿,谢利·温特斯
梅利莎·乔治、斯蒂芬·多尔夫主演的[别走](Don't Go,暂译)柏林电影节曝光首款剧照。该片故事讲述本(斯蒂芬·多尔夫饰)的女儿在事故中去世,而他相信自己可以在梦里将女儿带回来。本从此陷入
Seven new tales of terror from the Heartland will rip your heart out.
Two members of a defunct neo-Nazi metal band reunite at the site of their band-mate's suicid
The film follows five teenagers who are stalked by a killer in the woods. However, when the kill
On a quest to find the father she thought was dead, a determined young girl uses a mysterious de
凯拉(劳拉·乔丹 Laura Jordan 饰)、梅丽莎(尼姬·埃克斯 Nicki Aycox 饰)、鲍比(尼克·扎诺 Nick Zano 饰)和尼克(凯尔·施密德 Kyle Schmid 饰
Since his father found a mysterious package and heard the eerie sounds of an indigenous tribe, A
Wening是一位母亲,她 11 岁的女儿Nirmala在桥上的一次摩托车事故中失踪。韦宁的母亲Uti Yah也在这次事故中丧生。Wening对母亲的死和孩子的失踪感到非常内疚,但她相信自己的
Social media stars unite to play METAXU, an online séance game, only to find they have unwitting