美国中西部某个小镇,玩偶制作师塞缪尔·穆林斯(安东尼·拉帕格利亚 Anthony LaPaglia 饰)和妻子埃丝特·穆林斯(米兰达·奥图 Miranda Otto 饰)女儿安娜贝尔(萨马拉·
电影《新村僵尸漫画》由柳承莞、韩智胜及金泰勇三位导演共同执导,KAFA FILMS出品。在未来社会,丧尸们和人类和平共处,并作为体力劳动者一边接受治疗一边生活,而人类和丧尸之间也产生了爱情。
When an unknown disease wipes out most of the world's population, a man with unique blood is iso
An eighteen-years-old girl from an upper class family and a middle aged volunteer locked inside
London Road改编自一件发生在2006年的真实事件。在英国静僻的Ipswich小镇连续发现了5名女子被杀害。而这起常年未破的案件也时刻困扰着住在London Road附近的居民。直到租
In a dilapidated cyberpunk city plagued by crime and corruption, an unscrupulous District Attorn
When a mysterious prisoner lands in his jail, a border town sheriff faces the wrath of a brutal
In 1976 a troubled teen befriends her bullied neighbor, seeking revenge on his tormentors, but h
Seven new tales of terror from the Heartland will rip your heart out.
Two members of a defunct neo-Nazi metal band reunite at the site of their band-mate's suicid
The film follows five teenagers who are stalked by a killer in the woods. However, when the kill
On a quest to find the father she thought was dead, a determined young girl uses a mysterious de
凯拉(劳拉·乔丹 Laura Jordan 饰)、梅丽莎(尼姬·埃克斯 Nicki Aycox 饰)、鲍比(尼克·扎诺 Nick Zano 饰)和尼克(凯尔·施密德 Kyle Schmid 饰
Since his father found a mysterious package and heard the eerie sounds of an indigenous tribe, A